
Seniors and Oral Health

A common misconception is that as we age, we must lose our natural teeth. That’s not necessarily always true. With a lifetime of proper oral hygiene and regular dental visits to my Warsaw dental office, it’s possible to keep your teeth for your whole life. However dental care for seniors becomes particularly important. Gum Disease… Read more »

5 Bad Habits That are Harming Your Teeth

Even if you brush twice a day, floss once a day, and maintain regular visits to my dental office in Warsaw, you may be causing damage to your teeth without even knowing it. There are many common habits that most of us do subconsciously, and these habits can be detrimental to teeth.   Teeth Are… Read more »

Sunshine and Your Oral Health

The daylight hours in the winter months are few are far between. Those rare times when the sun is shining, we’re usually stuck inside at work or it’s just too cold to enjoy it. This is particularly troubling for all of us at my dental office in Warsaw.   What’s So Great About The Sun?… Read more »

5 Reasons Biting Your Nails is Bad for Your Teeth

It’s estimated that nearly half of all humans bite their nails. Usually attributed to nervousness, stress, or boredom, nail biting could even be a result of genetics. However, no matter your reason for biting your nails, we at my dental office in Warsaw, want to give you five reasons it’s bad for your smile and… Read more »

3 Ways to Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

The holiday season is one filled of festive fun, family time, food, and fellowship among friends. It may also mean a calendar packed with parties, days of travel, and long excursions to the mall. The last thing you want during this joyous time of year is to get sick. At my dental office in Warsaw,… Read more »

How Mouth Breathing Impacts Dental Health

We all know brushing and flossing are important for a healthy mouth. However, there are some other things that are important to do, and to avoid, to keep your smile in tip-top shape. One of the things to avoid doing a lot is breathing through your mouth. While it may sound like a simple, involuntary… Read more »

Female Hormones & Their Impact on Oral Health

Women's hormones and oral health

Women undergo several hormonal changes throughout their lives, causing hormone levels to fluctuate. This fluctuation can not only cause changes in the body, but in the mouth as well. At my Warsaw dental office, we want to cater to our female patients, and this blog can explain how their hormonal changes affect their oral health…. Read more »